Final Order Cutoff: 03.02.2025
On Sale: 15.07.2025
A new heroic era for Venom begins as Spider-Man friend and Army veteran Flash Thompson bonds with the symbiote for exploits that span the globe - and the entire universe!
Spider-Man’s biggest fan meets his deadliest foe! The wall-crawler’s heroism inspired Flash Thompson to join the Army, where he became an accomplished soldier. Though he lost his legs in combat, the government has offered Flash a chance to serve his country in a shocking new way: bonded with the Venom symbiote that used to be Spidey’s black costume — and then his bitter enemy! As Agent Venom, Flash is the government’s most lethal operative — but how long can he keep control of his volatile other? It won’t be easy, particularly when facing the likes of Jack O’Lantern, Crime-Master, Daimon Hellstrom and Carnage! And when a portal to the underworld opens in the middle of Las Vegas, Venom must join Red Hulk, Ghost Rider and X-23 in an unlikely alliance fighting to prevent all Hell from being unleashed! Seeking a new start in Philadelphia, Flash only succeeds in sharing his infernal problems with a new symbiote host — and before long, it’s time for an even more dramatic relocation: to outer space! And if he thinks returning to Earth will offer some respite, he didn’t count on Civil War II breaking out! Get ready for Venom vs. Spider-Man like you've never seen before!
COLLECTING: Amazing Spider-Man (1999) 654 (B story), 654.1; Venom (2011) 1-42, 13.1-13.4, 27.1; Venom: Space Knight (2015) 1-13; Minimum Carnage: Alpha (2012) 1; Scarlet Spider (2012) 10-11; Minimum Carnage: Omega (2012) 1
- Seitenzahl: 1464
- Cover Price: $150,00
- ISBN: 9781302966287
- Publisher: Marvel Comics
- Sprache: Englisch